An Introduction to SSRF Bypasses and Denylist Failures
Getting hands-on with SSRF bypasses and the pitfalls of denylists.
Getting hands-on with SSRF bypasses and the pitfalls of denylists.
Ever wondered how interactive CLI prompts can be a security disaster? Here's the case of git-checkout-tool and a command injection vulnerability.
Prisma is a popular type-safe ORM for Node.js but just like all abstractions, it comes at a cost and Prisma Raw Query function may lead to SQL injection if not handled correctly.
A promising Git library turns into a security nightmare when it harbors command injection vulnerabilities. Learn how to avoid these risks in your Node.js applications.
An in-depth analysis of two critical availability vulnerabilities in the parse-duration npm package, showing how regex patterns can lead to event loop delays and memory crashes in Node.js applications.
Are you using the Nuxt MDC library to render LLM generated content in your Nuxt.js apps? You want to read this article to understand how I came to find a Cross-site Scripting vulnerability identified today as CVE-2025-24981